Matthew Quinn

AIS Desktop Services

To Whom It May Concern:

I first met Ron Garrison two years ago while working as a contractor on an 80 site, 5,000 user rollout of a new network for Getronics (formerly Wang Global). Prior to Ron’s being hired, the project was barely off the ground. I had spent most of my life in the construction field, and couldn’t believe the disorganization and inefficiency of this project. Ron was hired and hit the ground running. He immediately began to collect, organize, and then disseminate data to all applicable parties. Roles were defined and schedules were developed within days. Once this project had a central figure who could absorb and balance all of the facts quickly, enforce a sense of structure and clear goals, as well as provide senior technical support, the difference was as clear as night and day.

I again had the pleasure of working with him while our time at ALLTEL overlapped. His character, integrity, and seemingly endless body of knowledge with regard to networking and security are sorely missed.

His ability to inspire others to ‘run a tighter ship’ and pursue greater industry knowledge, coupled with his willingness to instruct and help others makes him a rare commodity.

If I had to pick out a flaw in him, it would be in his inability to explain the importance of things like protocols, network integrity and security policies to non-technical bureaucrats. However, this might not be humanly possible, for any man or woman.

Matthew Quinn
Manager, AIS Desktop Services